FIGU Landesgruppe Canada

Talmud Jmmanuel​  (German / English) 2017 Edition

Regarding Jmmanuel's year of birth : 5 B.C.  :
Billy recently (Dec. 2023) told Christian Frehner that unfortunately the false 2 years information got into his books, while actually
5 years would be correct. This will be corrected in a second edition.

The translation of ‘dumm’ and ‘Dummheit’ right through the book. Attached are  a couple of things in reference to the translation of those terms, so when Billy writes “er ist dumm” FLAU has translated it with “he is of low intelligentum” etc. see: ‘dumm’ und ‘Dummheit’ and Intelligence – Intellectum – Intelligentum

Page 30, 2nd paragraph, last line - "ran a small carpentry", should be, "ran a small carpentry shop"

Page 41 - ...wonach sich nach einem Zeitraum von 7 x 311 Billionen und 40 Milliarden Jahren...

Page 42 - ...whereupon after a time span of  7 x 311 trillion and 40 billion years, it forms itself through evolution to a new universe or a new Creation Universal Consciousness as Ur-Creation....

Correction: ...whereupon after a time span of  7 x 311 million-million and 40 thousand-million years, it forms itself through evolution to a new universe or a new Creation Universal Consciousness as Ur-Creation....

Clarification:  According to Billy there is a 7 x  311,040,000,000,000 transition period after the last sleep period before entering into the UR-Creation

Page 29 / 30 - Both the German and the English texts need to be corrected.

Clarification:  Billy has confirmed that Semjasa was not enlivened by the Nokodemion spirit-form.

Page 508 / line 19 - "The human beings has to become a oneness..."

Correction: "The human being has to become a oneness... "

​Page 174  5 lines from bottom -  a illness

Correction:  an illness.

Page 144 verse 10  higher than me    

Correction: higher than I

Page  44 mid-page: arose in its actual original origin...  

Correction:arose in its actual  ur-origin

Page LXXII, first paragraph, second sentence: So he also suppressed the fact that among Jmmanuel were also seventeen female disciples as well as...
Correction: So he also suppressed the fact that among Jmmanuel’s disciples were also seventeen female ones as well as...

Page LXXII, second paragraph, seventh line: The once established belief exerts such a compelling power over intellect and rationality...
Correction: The once established belief exerts such a compelling might over intellect and rationality... (

Page LXXIV, seventh line: Thus he was not able to act in accordance with the given truth, in order to Translate the scroll truthfully, because his belief had held his thoughts and feelings by force, as in a vise.
Correction: Thus he was not able to act in accordance with the given truth, in order to translate the scroll truthfully, because his belief had held his thoughts and feelings with Gewaltsamkeit (, as in a vice.

Page LXXX, last sentence: ..., etc. of the image on the shroud, which is supposed to show Jmmanuel’s image during the time of powerlessness after being nailed to the stake.
Correction: ..., etc. of the image on the shroud, which is supposed to show Jmmanuel’s image during the time of unconsciousness after being nailed to the stake.

Page CXXXII, first sentence: After Jmmanuel’s being nailed to the stake, powerlessness, and recovery...
Correction: After Jmmanuel’s being nailed to the stake, unconsciousness, and recovery...

Page ​​34, section 6: ... whom Maria received in the mother’s stead ... whom then also Joseph received in the father’s stead...
Correction: ... whom Maria adopted and whom then also Joseph adopted ...
(see 5th line and 7th line. “An Mutterstatt” means “an Mutter’s statt”, so Maria became the mother instead of the biological mother, and Joseph the father instead of the real father.)

Page 36, section 81, third line: ..., who already had three orphan children in the mother’s stead, ...
Correction: ..., who already had three orphan children as adoptive mother, ...

Page 92, first paragraph, 4th line:  There he was taught by great wise ones (holy ones/saints, controlling ones, venerable ones) ...

Correction: There he was taught by great wise ones (holy ones/saints, monitoring ones, venerable ones) ...

Page 92,  section 5: He spent his days in instruction (he was taught, instructed) with the wise saints (holy ones/saints, controlling ones, venerable ones) ...

Correction: He spent his days in instruction (he was taught, instructed) with the wise saints (holy ones/saints, monitoring ones, venerable ones) ...

Page 92,  section 10: (holy ones/saints, controlling ones, venerable ones) ...

Correction: (holy ones/saints, monitoring ones, venerable ones) ...

page 140, Explanation section, second sentence: "Aaron is valid as the first high priest ever."

Correction: "Aaron is considered the first high priest ever"

​page 265, line 88 ...auch zu jener Zeit.»

Correction: ...auch zu jener Zeit.

page 280,  sentence 5: "The teaching of the laws of Creation is not that, however, for they teach..."

Correction: "The teaching of the laws of Creation is not that, however, for it teaches..."

["sie lehret" is singular feminine and refers to "Die Lehre"]

Page 340, under the heading 'Explanation', second sentence: "Praise be to him who comes and proclaims anew the teaching of the prophets"
Correction:  "Praise be to him who comes and proclaims anew the teaching of the truth"
Page 352 sentence 18: " Truly, I say to you: Mose never gave this recommendation; but he gave the recommendation that a brother should take his brother’s wife to himself in honour..."
Correction: " Truly, I say to you: Mose never gave this recommendation; thus therefore the recommendation that a brother should take his brother’s wife to himself in honour..."

Pages 424-428  ‘Ohnmacht’ really means ‘transitional unconsciousness’ or ‘being incapable to do something’ ( So on pages 424-428, where the term ‘Ohnmacht’ is used to refer to Jmmanuel’s condition, ‘powerlessness’ (the condition of feeling or having no power) is not really what is meant, even though strictly speaking he is powerless to do anything due to being unconscious. But he ‘passed out’ or ‘fainted’ or was ‘unconscious’ would be better choices.

Page 430, Explanation, fourth line: "This give the sweat a faint red appearance, which is why 'blood-sweat' and ‘blood-sweating’ become spoken of.”

Correction: It should read “ spoken of”, as in this example, “Das Essen wird schnell gegessen”, which means “the meal is eaten fast”. 

Page 476, 6th line: “And this, even though Mohammed, like Jmmanuel, taught exactly the opposite, for he taught...” 

​​Correction: “And this, even though Mohammed, like Jmmanuel, taught exactly the opposite, for he taught, through the 'teaching of the prophets', ...

[Page 475, 7th line: “Und dies, obwohl Mohammed genau gegenteilig, wie Jmmanuel, durch die ‹Lehre der Propheten› wahre Liebe und Frieden, Freiheit und Harmonie sowie absolute Gleichheit und Gleichberechtigung für alle Menschen gelehrt hat, ...”]

Page 484, 6th line from the bottom, it reads, "...Augustine (Doctor of the Church, 354-430)". In the German Augustinus is a "Kirchenlehrer", which would be a "Teacher of the Church",
​​Correction: Augustine (Teacher of the Church, 354-430)

Page 502, in sentence 39 it reads "...and he touched his wounds..." The German term is "Wundmale", which is usually translated with "scars" or "stigmata".

Page 508, sentence 19: "human beings" should be singular, "human being".

Page 510, sentence 24 and again in sentence 29, "suchet" and "suche' has been translated with "seeking" and "seek". When we translated the meditation book, Mariann said that Billy doesn't like "seek" for "suchen" and that we should use "searching" and "search" instead. Examples: and

Page 516, sentence 5: "The high priest and the Pharisees..." The German "aber" has not been translated, so it should read "The high priest, however, and the Pharisees...".

Page 132, paragraph 49, 3rd line reads - "o you of little knowledge" should read "oh you of little knowledge"​

Page 166, paragraph 39, 1st line reads - "And the female swineherd fled" should read "And the female swineherder fled"