FIGU Landesgruppe Canada

Goblet of the Truth​ 

Goblet Typos / Correction for the Deutsch-English version.
C.Mossman 2024 01 15
Page     Sentence     (plus  original German if necessary  and explanation)

 XXI         Madeleine Brüggers deposition needs a period
(.) at the end. [on English side]

Page XXIX - 6th Paragraph: "... areas of religion, science philosophy and culture ..."
correction: "... areas of religion, 
science, philosophy and culture …"

Page XXXIX - 2nd Paragraph: "... for the human being, irrespective his or her outward appearance ..."​
correction: "... for the human being, irrespective 
of his or her outward appearance ..."

Chapter 2

10           58           Tüpfel-chen                         
23           150   – " who  not  pay heed to the real truth nor to fulfilment  of the laws  ...
the fulfilment
27           182        …because you are destined 
correction:  …because you are
appointed           eingesetzt
31           202        …end up as people without…           
correction: …end up as
ones without… 
35           229         ... how great is their underestimation   
correction:  ... how great is their 
failure to recognise            Verkennung
37           238        ...that he can record everything…
correction: ...that
he or she can record everything…
39           240        …rational people 
correction:   …rational
39           243        …when the requirement or health stand behind…
correction: …when the requirement or
the health stand behind…
62           353        …(Art,Verhalten)              
correction: (Art,
Verhalten)       needs space after comma
63           356        ...get along peaceful 
correction:   ...get along
peacefully                  peacefully is an adverb, it requires ‘ly’ ending
71           390        ...the people does  not            
correction: ...the people 
do not             grammatical correction
71           390        ... takes a unrightful...              
correction:  ... takes
an unrightful...               grammatical correction
Chapter 3

83           55           ... you will surely elevate            
correction:  ... you will surely
choose                [erkürt/erküren = choose]   
87           90           … only follow  
correction: … only
render allegience                 ...leistet nur Folgsamkeit 
91           106         ... whether the people is              
correction:   ... whether t
hey are
91           106        …. if the people does not confirm that it wants 
correction: …. if the people
do not confirm that they want
93           111        …. make them turn away 
correction: …. make them
alienated           [abspenstig]
93           112        ... they are doing not right 
correction:  ... they are doing 
unright…..      [unrecht]
93           125        ...what will truly lead   
correction:   ...what will
veritably lead    [fürwahr]
93           126        ...befall you while turned away from the truth.   
correction: ..befall you while 
in defection from the truth.    [in Abtrünnigkeit]
97           141        ...and also do not know ordeal  …            
correction:  ...and also do not know
torment …              [Marter]               explanation:  'ordeal' is more of a process?
101        170 that you may vilify (curse)                  
correction: that you may vilify (
proscribe)      [ ächtet ]     
109        209 : "from the your true prophets"...
correction: "from 
your true prophets"...

Chapter 4

127        58           ....and keep their joint secrets of the bond (marriage) in public and therefore not talk about it with     
correction: ...and
protect their joint secrets of the bond (marriage) from the public and therefore not talk about it with           ...und ihre gemeinsamen Geheimnisse des Bündisses nach aussen wahren....
127        60           ... as well as for your brothers               
correction: ... as well as
to your brothers        
129        64           Truly, not one iota of the unright happens to …   
correction: Truly, not one
speck of the weight of the unright occurs to …   Wahrlich, es geschieht keinem von euch auch nur ein Stäubchen Gewicht an Unrecht, ….
135        96:  "... beat them into subservience and rob them off their own will …"

correction: "... beat them into subservience and rob them of their own will …"
143        135: "... by which it is meant the confused people and its false prophets and ..."
correction: "... by which it is meant the confused people and 
their false prophets and …"

Chapter 5

165        9             ... as your avowal of the truth, but do not transform) it into a belief-teaching ..."
correction: "... as your avowal of the truth, but do not 
transform it into a belief-teaching …"
173        35           ihe it is who will make the            
 it  is he who will  ...
Chapter 6

205        58           …who are striving for the face  (flawlessness) of the truth…
correction:  …who are striving for the
countenance (flawlessness) of the truth…
207        71           …you let others feel acts of Gewalt....                      
correction: …you let others feel
sample/ savour acts of Gewalt....                      kosten
213        94           …they were all talented (gifted) amongst people…         
correction:   …they were all 
bright-minded (gifted) amongst people…         aufgeweckt
215        106        ...these signs (evidence) are presented down to the last detail for people of you kind (human beings),"                correction: "...these signs (evidence) are presented down to the last detail for people of 
your kind (human beings),"
219        123        …create in your rows ….      
correction: …create in your
ranks….      Reihen
219        124         And so in order that those amongst you, who…
correction:  A
nd in order that those amongst you, who…
227        162        … in that you blame the true prophets of lying……                   
correction:    … in that you
accuse the true prophets of lying……                   bezichtigt

Chapter 7

231        4      …catches up to you, feign realisation of your infamous actions (crimes) and admit that      
correction:   …catches up to you,
that you feign realisation of your infamous actions (felonies) and indeed admit that …   …ereilt, dass ihr eure Schandtaten (Verbrechen) einseht und fürwahr erkennt, …
233        21           …gods, who present you to believe the illusion…..                          
correction: …gods, who
lead you to believe the illusion…..                           vorgaukeln
235        31           …has erroneous assumption meted out….    
correction:  …has erroneous
tolls meted out….    Gebühr   [although Gebühr is singular, ‘toll’ doesn’t work]
241        52           ... to be seduced by mortal 
correction: ... to be seduced by
transitory         vergänglichen 
249        100       …and in debauchery.        
correction: …and in debauchery
(living high on the hog).        ….und in Schwelgerei (Saus und Braus)…
249        101        …as an inheritance in your care (trust)   
correction:   …as an inheritance in your care
(stewardship)   Verwaltung   
257        156        …do not set any delay in doing so…. 
correction: …do not set any
time period in doing so….           Frist
263        177        "...your thoughts and feelings and your (psyche ...
correction:   "...your thoughts and
impressions (feelings) and your Artung (psyche) ...         eurer Gedanken und Eindrücke (Gefühle) und  eurer Artung (Psyche).
265        201        "people of your kind (fellow human beings,  then take ..."    
correction:     "people of your kind (fellow human 
beings),  then take ..." 
Chapter 8

​273        40           ... so that you are not longer persecuted by them ..."       
correction:       ... so that you are 
no longer persecuted by them ..."
Chapter 9

281        4              …who have fallen into confusion (confusion) in their inner world….                  
correction: …who have fallen into
distortion (confusion) in their inner world….                   Verdrehung (Verwirrung)
283        9              …in order to multiple their riches…..                    
correction:  …in order to
multiply their riches…..                    mehren
283        13            … do not give it to them…. 
correction:    … do not
grant it to them…. gewährt
289        44           …do not have to apply in yourselves especially for permission to be liberated from strife….                    
correction: …do not have
to especially seek permission in yourselves to be liberated from strife….                    …besonders um Erlaubnis nachsuchen, …
289        45          …do not let yourselves be asked by those  
correction: …
you do not have to be asked for permission by those …..                um Erlaubnis bitten
 293        65            …then you prove yourself to be as liars,….            
correction:   …then you
chastise yourself to be as liars,….            straft   
295        76            …knowingly (consciously) gain  love out of the fullness…   
correction:     …knowingly (consciously)
create love out of the fullness…   schöpfen
​299        97           "... and truly they are greatest hypocrites and the most obdurate ... "        
correction:   " ... and truly they are 
the greatest hypocrites and the most obdurate ... "
Chapter 10

305        3            " It appears wonderful to you that that a prophet from your midst …"        
correction: " It appears wonderful to you 
that a prophet from your midst ..."
309        24           "... which you perpetrate against people of your kind (human beings) and against your worlds    correction:  "... which you perpetrate against people of your kind (human beings) and against your 
world ..."

Chapter 11

323        28           …They see in you only creatures who….     
correction:   …They see in you only
servile ones (creatures) who….      Leisetreter (Kreaturen)
​323        32: "Truly, through the truthly laws and recommendations the primal power of all primal power …"                "
correction: Truly, through the truthly laws and recommendations 
of the primal power of all primal power ..."
329        60: "... therefore see that you are not weak and not self-righteous (arrogant), so you do not try to ask the ones who are truthly knowing and wise when you need their counsel."
correction:  "... therefore see that you are not weak and not self-righteous (arrogant), 
as you do not try to ask the ones who are truthly knowing and wise when you need their counsel."

Chapter 13

333        3             …through the effectuation Creation and its laws…         
correction: …through the
effectuation (Creation) and its laws…           Ausführung (Schöpfung)
Chapter 15   Where Meier Starts

343        14           …to be made uncertain in this                            
correction:    …to be 
confused in this                                 beirren
Chapter 18

357        2             …virtues in the best possible fullness of value.    
correction:     …virtues in the best possible
exquisiteness (fullness) of value.     Erlesenheit (Vollwertigkeit)
Chapter 19

365        63            "... whose activity (energy) and its powers is given …"                     
correction:  "... whose activity (energy) and its powers 
are given solely in the  love ..."​
​369        99            …because love is kept in them…..                      
correction:   …because love is
established in them…..                      bewährt
Chapter 20

373        19           "... If you want  to live  solely according to the truth of the life-giving (creational) laws and recommendations  …"         
correction:   If you want  to live  solely according to the truth of the life-giving (creational) laws and 
375        25              …and not the evil and therefore….                            
correction: …and not the
disreputable (evil) and therefore….                            Verrufene (Böse)
377        31              …belongs to the characteristic things….                      
correction: …belongs to the
distinctive (characteristic) things….                      Augeprägten (charakteristischen)
Chapter 21

380        21           … ergriffen  wird.   
correction: …
ergriffen wird.  [extra space eliminated]
Chapter 23

391        14          "then you must start with yourselves as individuals and reach for the creational laws and recommendations in order to fulfil them in yourselves; and, once you have fulfilled them on yourselves, ..."  
correction: "then you must start with yourselves as individuals and reach for the creational laws and recommendations in order to fulfil them in yourselves; and, once you have fulfilled them 
in yourselves, ..."
395        36           "... what  forcefully imposed upon you though  circumstances ...

correction: "... what  forcefully imposed upon you through the circumstances ..."
401/403              83           ...and would participate in the well-being, in all affliction, in the misery and confusion of your entire earthly humankind."          
correction: and would
take an interest in the well-being, in all affliction, in the misery and confusion of your entire earthly humankind." 
403        93           "...domain of the evil and Ausartung is everything that you know; naturally, your are afraid of all this ..."
correction:  "...domain of the evil and Ausartung is everything that you know; naturally, 
you are afraid of all this ..."
409        116        ..scheme which harbours anxiety and fear of many things within, as however...              
correction: ..
scheme, which harbours anxiety and fear of many things within, as however...                (...Schemas, das in sich Angst und Furcht vor vielerlei Dingen birgt,...)

Chapter 24

421        14           …… use the help that is given to you through….   
correction:   …… use the
benefice that is given to you through….    Pfründe

Chapter 25

423        7             …let yourselves be deceived by all sides…     
correction:  …let yourselves be
mislead from all sides…     verführen
423        8             …and are rummaging through your mental-block….    
correction:   …and are
ransacking your mental-block….    Durchwühlen  [‘rummaging through’ is less insidious sounding, as the case actually is]
423        10           …, to fight for your belief.           verfechten
correction: …, to
vindicate your belief.           verfechten
429        49           The only truthly truth-bringer are you yourselves, 
correction:  The only truthly truth-bringer
is you yourself
429        49           ….only teach you in the mode in the truth ….
correction: ….only teach you in the mode
of the truth ….
433        76           …if you want to be trustworthy, then you….                
correction: …if you want to be
true, then you….                Wahrlich
435        86           …by showing you things and effects……               
correction: …by 
presenting to you things and effects……               vorgeführt
435        87           …in this wise bitter seriously – if these….
correction:   …in this wise
bitterly seriously – if these….
​443        136        But you are only able do this if you are yourselves and create everything in your own inner nature
correction: But you are only able do this if
you yourselves create everything in your own inner nature             
453        195        …where there is hardship                 
correction: …where
it is essential               
461        241        ...and strengthen your requisite for the rise up….         

correction: ...and strengthen your requisite know-how for the rise up….         Rüstzeug (noun)
461        243        …, you shall not be faint-hearted, just as….               
correction: …, you shall not
give up, just as….               Verzagen
463        249        … and have gone wrong ways of the life…..
correction: … and have gone
on the wrong ways of the life…..
463        249        …waves of the restless activity…                 
correction:   …waves of the
indefatigable activity…                 rastlos
469        282 ... truthly knowledge and the real truth, which gives you also wisdom...

correction: .. .. truthly knowledge and the real truth, which imparts to you also wisdom...[verleiht]

469        282 ... truthly knowledge and the real truth, which gives you also wisdom......

correction: .. which the Creation imparts to you through your... [verleiht]

469        282        ... such  as love, peace, freedom harmony, "
correction: " high  as such  love, peace, 
freedom, harmony, "
471        288        …guard yourselves against crampfully directing…       
correction:   …guard yourselves against
convulsively directing…       kramphaft
473 - sentence 298: "...  for  your fellow human beings that strives ..."
correction: "...  for  your fellow human beings that 
strive ..."

Chapter 26

473        3               tin gods, idolised human being ..."          
correction: tin gods, idolised human 
beings ..." 
476        30 Wahrheit nach der Wahrheit der...   
correction: Wahrheit
nicht nach der Wahrheit der...        *Nov 22, 2023: CF confirmed with Billy that this ‘nicht’ needs to be added.
477        30           …if you in truth guide your life according to the truth of the Creation…    *Nov 22, 2023: CF confirmed with Billy that ‘do not’ needs to be added AND CF observed that ‘guide’ was not correct for ‘fuhrt’.
correction: …if you in truth
do not lead your life according to the truth of the Creation… 

Chapter 27

480        15           …Böswillig-keit   
481        17           ones who are sukked up by the abyss …                 
correction: ... ones who are 
sucked up by the abyss
483        25           ……uncomprehensible explanations, on the one hand…..              
correction: ……uncomprehensible explanations
poked around at, on the one hand…..              herumpochen
484        35           Be-dürfnisse    
Chapter 28

500        62           Unbe-wusstenform  
503        72           …be pure and unfold……                   ungetrübt
correction: …be
unadulterated and unfold……                   ungetrübt
505        92            ,,What is the human being”[needs question mark]; ,,Who is the human being?”; ,,How is the human being?”
”Whatis the human being?“Who is the human being?”; “How is the human being?”
505        86            "in the process of the 311,040,000,000,000 (311 billion, 40 milliard)  
​​​correction: in the process of the 311,040,000,000,000 (
311 thousand thousand million, 40 thousand million) 
515        144        …and hence rise themselves above earthly space…                  
correction:  …and hence
raise themselves above earthly space…                  erheben
521        173        …in the end simply put up with without ….
correction: …in the end
have simply been resigned to without ….abgefunden habt
527        214        who have fallen pray to hatred...               
correction: ...who have fallen 
prey to hatred."
529        215        "But you, those you who ...         
correction: ...But you, those 
of you who ..."
535        253        …the direction that you choose, the way….              
correction:   …the direction that you
pursue, the way….              Einschlagt
541        285        angles  
545        315        …which you make worse….             
correction: …which 
is more unavoidable for you….                  unumgänglicher gestaltet
545        317        It is terrifying to see that you….                  
correction:  It is
terrifyingly remarkable to see that you….               erschreckend auffallend    
545        317        …only in anxiety or fear and with creeps        
correction:  …only in anxiety or fear and with
feelings of creepiness        Gruseln  
547        330        …, as unright of a careless and undignified….               
correction: …, as
an injustice of a careless and undignified….                Unrecht 
547        333        …, then you live in suspicious imaginations…           
correction: …, then you live in
questionable imaginations…           bedenklichen
549        342        …and grants an equalisedness…..                  
correction: …and
grant an equalisedness…..  
549        347        ..., then this attitude will keep you away from…                      
correction:   ..., then this attitude will
steer you away from…                        lenkt… vom
557        391        …those out of your own rows ….      
correction:  …those out of your own
ranks….     Reihen     
557        391        …take the first opportunity to have a quarrel with…. 
correction: …take the first opportunity to 
pick a fight with…. Streit….vom Zaune brechen  
561        407        …in the course the interactions of cause and effect ...
correction:  …in the course
of the interactions of cause and effect ...
561        415        Truly, many of you, like the others, you belong…..    
correction: Truly,
you, like the others, you belong…..    ihr einen wie die andern 
567        457 - angles 
569        470        the term <interruption>
correction: ... the term
 569        470        …standstill and lets intuit  
correction:  …standstill and 
lets one intuit  ….lässt….erahnen..              
569        474        …therefore act completely disharmonious 
correction:   …therefore act completely
disharmoniously         [adverb for the verb act, takes ‘….ly’ ending]    
573        489        …you cannot unfold your swings swinging of the motions….         
correction:   …you cannot
unfurl your swinging of the motions….         Entfalten   
574        514        "Existenten jeder Form"              
correction:  "Existenten jeder 
577        525        clearly recognisable"   
correction: clearly 
579        534        …joy and happiness pulverise 
correction:  …joy and happiness
are pulverised in you                              zerstäubt      
579        536      Consider, each one of you who cannot keep himself or herself on his or her step must leave that step again backwards         
correction: Consider, each one of you
cannot keep himself or herself on his or her level, only because each of you must leave that level behind again, ...         
583        553        All these processes of your rumination get into your psyche                      
correction: All these processes of your rumination
penetrate into your psyche                      eindringen
583        560        ‘throwbacks’ (used 3 times)
correction:    [replace throwbacks’ with] 
setbacks…. Rückschläge                      
585        573        …that are directed towards them present the illusion….            .
correction:   …that are directed towards them
lead you to believe the illusion….            vorkaukeln.
587        583        …all you human beings of Earth, opens up the <Goblet of the Truth>  ...... <Teaching of the Prophets>
correction: …all you human beings of Earth, 
unlock the ‘Goblet of the Truth' ...... 'Teaching of the Prophets' 
589        2nd line of poem…. have removed evil; 4th line of poem…have given the truth its true value. 
correction:  2nd line of poem….
has removed evil; 4th line of poem…has given the truth its true value. 
591        last paragraph, about ½ way down: …exists in black and white in form of the teaching….
correction: last paragraph, about ½ way down: …exists in black and white in
the form of the teaching….


597        Ausartung           a very bad get-out of the… 
 to get very badly out of the control  of the good human nature.