FIGU Landesgruppe Canada

Arahat Athersata  (German / English)

Throughout the book there is reference to him/herself which should simply be viewed as the shortened form for himself/herself

Page 150 sentence 590:  "The self-discipline and self-hardness, along with innumerable other factors are, however, so great that the human being would call 
them phenomenal because it goes beyond their intellect."

Page 132 sentence 495:  "whereupon a union occurs and a germ and ensuing fruit can be awakened to the life."

(translation correction: Dean Madore)
page 382 sentence 27: "The spirit itself then transforms the received powers and changes them into a usable form for the material world...."

​(translation correction: Dean Madore)

Page F  - new addition to definition for ‘Wesenheit’: Please note that the term "Wesenheiten" is connected to, and related with, a broad variety of meanings, e.g. "Einzelwesen" (individual), "ein Jemand" (someone), "eine Kreatur" (creature), substance, principle, centre, etc., some of which may be seen as related to "Wesen". 

Oct 17, 2019 CF re Wesen and Wesenheit(en): Billy said that the terms that have been used by AA are correct, but that the explanation or definition of Wesen and Wesenheit on page F is not precise enough. He just wrote a 3-pages list of all kinds of values and attributes of the two terms, among them e.g.:  A "Wesen" entspricht/corresponds to a lifeform, thing, activity, ("Art") kind, etc. and values like humane, female or male, self-determining, etc., etc.  A "Wesenheit" entspricht/corresponds to an idea, principle, Einzelwesen, substance, subject, human being, creative etc. etc.  Perhaps it makes sense to add the following  explanation of the term Wesenheit/Wesenheiten:  "Please note that the term "Wesenheiten" is connected to, and related with, a broad variety of meanings, e.g. "Einzelwesen" (individual), "ein Jemand" (someone), "eine Kreatur" (creature), substance, principle, centre, etc., some of which may seen as related to "Wesen". 

Page 6 - text for footnote: ‘Wesenheit’ :
Wesenheit can also refer to human beings.

Page 276 - sentence 336, “Following this nature-conditioned …”  - changed to “
Preceding this nature-conditioned …”

Page 86 - sentence 238: "... the true spiritual knowledge and its wisdom…” the "their" before wisdom needs to be replaced with "its", because "seine" in the German is a neuter pronoun and refers to "das wahre geistige Wissen".  (If it was “their” the German would read “ihre”).

Page 94 - sentence 280 "... because there are also young and old life forms and also their knowledge and ability is evolved to different degrees." (“unterschiedlich hoch” means “different degrees“ )

Page 178 - sentence 734:  "... those who practise themselves in selfless, universal love for everything, contravenes ..."

​correction: "... those who practise themselves in selfless, universal love for everything, contravene ..." ​(translation correction: Dean Madore)

​Page 306 - sentence 512:  "...'Ways to Spirit Healing',' How to Become a Psychiatrist?' ..."

​correction: "...'Ways to Spirit Healing', 'How to Become a Psychiatrist?' ..." ​(translation correction: Dean Madore)

​Page 312 - sentence 534: "... ignites into an flaming inferno ..."

correction: "... ignites into flaming inferno ..." ​(translation correction: Dean Madore)

Page 4 - sentence 11: "The boundaries between your and my level are of great duration, and they lie in many thousand millions* of years, according to your reckoning of time, and constitute the barriers of the spiritual dimensions."

​Clarification: this refers to the timespan from Nokodemion's time to Billy's current life, which is over 9 thousand million years 

​*thousand million = billion

Page 11, sentence 4: "Bewusstseinsinne" is incorrectly separated

Correction: it should be, "Bewusstsein-sinne" but not "Bewusstseins-inne"

Page 51, sentence 72: «Ihnen nach folgten aber die Religionsbringer ...”  “nach...folgen” is a separable verb meaning “to follow” ( ). Page 52, sentence 72: “But they were pursued ...” is incorrect. “to pursue” would have been “verfolgen” in German.

Correction: Page 52, sentence 72: “But they were followed ..."

Page 108, sentence 353: "... namely form the spiritual source of the all-pervading, eternal and imperishable power of Creation."

​Correction: "... namely form the spiritual source of the all-pervading, eternal and immortal power of Creation.

Page 138, sentence 523: And to this end, the Earth human beings are now picking themselves up. 

Correction: And to this end, may the Earth human beings now pick themselves up.

Page 223, sentence 29: Jeder Bewusstseinshaltung und Lebenseinstellung bewirkt...

Correction: Jede Bewusstseinshaltung und Lebenseinstellung bewirkt... 

Page 228, sentence 59: ..., every inner security and every will for the positive life. 

​Correction: ..., every inner security and every will of the positive life. (“des Lebens” ist Genitiv und kann nicht mit „for“ übersetzt werden.)

​Page 264, sentence 259: ..., because they bring sudden deep cognitions 

Correction: ..., because they would bring sudden deep cognitions ... (Das Verb ist “brächten” und nicht „bringen“)

Page 265, sentence 268: Das Denken, der Gedanken ist die eigentliche bewusstseinsmässige Grossmacht der Welt. 

Correction: Das Denken, der Gedanke ist die eigentliche bewusstseinsmässige Grossmacht der Welt.

Page 275, sentence 336: Diesen naturbedingten Beispiel vorangehend,...

Correction: Diesem naturbedingten Beispiel vorangehend,... 

​Page 276, sentence 343: The reception means new working material...

​Correction: That which has been received again means...

​Page 286, sentence 397: ... and he/she raises far above all influences and mights... 

​Correction: ... and he/she rises far above all influences and mights...

​Page 360, sentence 153: Only their manoeuvrability, speed and reaction capability will save them from certain death.  

Correction​: Only its manoeuvrability, speed and reaction capability will save it from certain death.  

​Page 361, sentence 157: ... which will call forth a separation of the spirits in the coming future ... 

​Correction: ... which will call forth a separation of the minds in the coming future ...