Submission Guidelines for the FIGU Landesgruppe Canada Social Media Sites 

For anyone who is thinking of submitting a video project for possible inclusion to our YouTube channel as well as to our BitChute, Odysee and Rumble channels, we will need to review the project beforehand to decide if it meets our criteria.

The following conditions will need to be observed:

  • As a Landesgruppe we have to verify the source of the FIGU content, therefore reference links will be required.
  • If quoting translations of Billy's written material a disclaimer needs to be included stating that the content contains translation errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
  • If the content is a personal interpretation of the spiritual teaching/ FIGU material, then this will also need to be stipulated.
  • ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier needs to be credited for any of his material that is used.
  • Finally, due to the fact that the project is not an official FIGU Landesgruppe Canada project we may decide to include a disclaimer stating that we cannot guarantee the correctness of the content

Submission Guidelines for the FIGU Landesgruppe Canada Newsletters

  • We publish our newsletters 3 times a year, in November, March and July
  • We welcome the submission of any FIGU-related articles, short stories, translations of Billy's writings or other kinds of written and creative work for possible inclusion in one of our upcoming newsletters.
  • The above guidelines are also valid.
  • We will review all of the submissions and notify you as to our decision.

Thank you

FIGU Landesgruppe Canada

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FIGU Landesgruppe Canada