FIGU Landesgruppe Canada

N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English

Talkativeness and Performing Missionary Work

Dear reader, in order to prevent any misuse of the contents of our writings, and also for your own protection and the protection of the truth we will give you the following advice and explanations:In the first place you should use all of FIGU’s textbooks for your own education. Never let yourself be enticed—because of sheer enthusiasm for truth or a craving for recognition, among other things—to perform propaganda or missionize in order to win or convince other people for the teachings. In doing so you can do great harm to yourself as well as to others. Studying spiritual matters is always connected to a consciousness-related process. Every individual must be mentally prepared to confront himself with truth, and he should also get the chance to work for this preparedness himself. When, how and in what tempo this will be achieved is always in one’s own discretion. Nobody has the right to use any pressure or force on other people’s thoughts, feelings and freedom—people who have to go their ways in self-determination—and it makes no difference whether it is a stranger, an acquaintance, a friend, relative, husband or wife, or one’s own child. The awesome respect for all life is a principle imparted by the spiritual teachings, because it is awesome attitude towards life only that harbors within itself the key to knowledge, truth and all realization. Thus the fellow-man shall be respected and not be overwhelmed or plagued with knowledge and one’s own cognition, something he is not yet able nor willing to understand. All this does not mean, though, to turn the study of the spirit lessons into a secret or to impart a feeling into the fellow-man that he has not progressed far enough in order to understand this or that. Such behavior would not only represent an unjustified self-exaltation of the own person but also a lack of respect and awe for another individual. Likewise one should always bear in mind that one isn’t all-knowing and that one’s own understanding of the spiritual teachings is always more or less limited. Thus every individual should be critical of himself and not chatter about those things within the teachings that, basically, aren’t really understood. It should be considered by everyone that oneself and the fellow-men are led astray with half- or false truth and, because of this, the path to and the finding of truth is impeded.Of course, no person shall hide his light under a bushel, and if an information is necessary or appropriate, or if interested people ask questions, then obviously they can get explanations—within reasonable limits and according to one’s best skill and abilities. Consequently, if one is talking about the spiritual teachings it shall always be in a general manner and according to one’s own understanding. Talking about all cognitions, assumptions etc. right from the start shall be avoided.Through unnecessary, careless and uncontrolled talk about concerns regarding the spiritual teachings and FIGU (internal) – at home or with friends, acquaintances or at the job – one isn't only often risking the job but also the relations to closely connected persons. Experience has shown that the general understanding towards the spiritual teachings is still very rare. This lack of understanding can even lead to the break-up of relations between close friends, because differences, quarrel and discord may arise. The whole matter will even be worsened if there is the attempt, at all costs, to force one’s own opinion upon the other person.

We are neither members of a secret society nor babbling missionaries, but human beings who, in the first place, are striving to open our eyes ourselves.