FIGU Landesgruppe Canada
Make sure that you computer clock is properly synchronised with atomic time
For those of you who cannot see the countdown timer above, here is the Peace Meditation Schedule:
The Peace Meditation takes place on the first complete weekend of each month and then the third weekend after the first meditation weekend. For example, if the 1st of the month falls on a Sunday, then one does not perform the Peace Meditation on this weekend. The Peace Meditation would be performed the following weekend, that is, 2 times on the Saturday at 12:30 pm and 2:00 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time) and one time on Sunday at 2:00 pm EST. The Peace Meditation is then again performed 2 weekends later with the same Sat. and Sun. schedule.
If you are subject to EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), then the time shifts to 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm EDT on Saturdays and 3:00 pm EDT on Sundays. Finally, you will need to determine the corroborating time for your particular time zone so that we can all syncronistically perform the meditation.
Updated explanation about the Peace Meditation, how it is done, its effectiveness, etc.
The Peace Meditation